1 Peter 4:10

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

From the Pastor

Our deaf congregation continues studying in the four gospels. I do believe that the deaf are starting to really understand.
And Praise God we had a deaf man, Manuel, come to accept Jesus as his savior, where previously he had been with the Jehovah Witnesses. A true victory in Jesus to be sure! He understands the Good News and is beginning to really grow spiritually, although still a ‘baby’ in Christ.

I mentioned to our hearing congregation pastor of Calvary Chapel of Ensenada, Juan Domingo, about the two who were recently saved (including Antonia from the deaf woman’s retreat). And we spoke of their desire to be baptized. I asked if Juan would be willing to baptize them and he thought I should do it!

It would be an honor.

Our deaf congregation is motivated; they pay rapt attention and are asking questions . . . but once they leave the church and go home it is so hard for them to study the bible on their own. The words are big and difficult; the semantics of grammar are sometimes incomprehensible. A few have an easy version of the bible that they are able to understand, but most do not. It is a different culture they are trying to figure out and it is a challenge.

One woman whose soul is hungry for Jesus asked my wife if she could borrow her bible devotions that were done in ASL. But there is nothing for those that only know Mexican Sign Language. Now this woman knows a bit of ASL, but even then she doesn’t understand ‘full’ ASL and so the bible devotional helped, but was still difficult to follow.

It is on my heart, my hope and prayer to make some bible devotions in Mexican Sign Language. It is a request that I’ve set before the Lord and a much needed thing.
To make this happen I would need a video recorder, someone who is skilled at doing these types of things and, personally, to study more Mexican Sign Language so that I am careful not to make any mistakes in ‘translation’. I know it is possible with the help of the Holy Spirit and on him I will depend.

I could do this on my own (with God’s help), but if I could get the assistance of someone better skilled at video recordings, then I know it would be quicker and faster that we could make and spread this resource. Please continue praying for this video ministry that God has put on my heart.


Kelly Lynch said...

It is so great to hear about the deaf and the new believers. And that they were baptized too...wow!
We will keep you in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

You will definitely be in my prayers. What a ministry!