1 Peter 4:10

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.

Monday, November 28, 2011

From Gaby's Heart

Gossip is a stronghold.  It’s been exhausting hearing a whole bunch of “he said” “she said” . . . 
But it broke my heart when I found out that because of gossip a dear lady was not coming to church.  She is too embarrassed to face those that were accusing her. 
And she came to deaf women’s Bible study on Saturday!  She was excited and so moved by the study that she was in tears.  She promised she’d be there Sunday.
She was a student of mine at Rancho Sordo Mudo, the school for deaf.  I’ve seen her love for God, her true devotion.
She knows Jesus, even if lately she hasn’t been walking in obedience.  I *know* Jesus is waiting for her to return to Him; lovingly, patiently.
It is satan’s plan to keep her from church. PRAY!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Growth and Plans in the Deaf Church

Michelle Bonsell and her husband
We have plans for a deaf women’s retreat to happen in February.  But we don’t have much set yet.  We’ve invited a friend and former Rancho Sordo Mudo co-worker, Michelle Bonsell, to come and speak.  A request from the deaf ladies themselves.  She was dorm mother to several of the young ladies and is now working at another school for deaf in Los Mochis, Mexico with her husband and family. 

We have yet to book the place, or fund it, but with faith, we make our plans.  So we could use prayer, God’s anointing on the plans.  That God provides for this and that the women come, be ministered to, leave blessed and ready to bless others. 
Ensenada deaf congregation
at church

Carlos continues to teach with God given authority, and the congregation continues to grow.  We’ve had to move from the small meeting room to a much larger one in order to fit everyone.  And that is a good thing. Nevertheless, satan fights the growth, and people are people whether hearing or deaf.

So we have interpersonal problems/situation just like any other church that is made up of  people.  With that in mind please pray for a situation that involves hurt, feelings of betrayal, blame, and accusations. Pray that justice and healing happen among our community.
Pastor Carlos sharing his testimony with the hearing congregation

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Take Note~

We have a  new address for correspondence and to continue to support Carlos and/or Gaby Suarez. 
Make checks out to 
Baja Compassion Ministry
1000 Lake Davis Rd
Portola, CA 96122
All gifts are tax deductible.  If you have a specific person you wish to give to, please make a note of that in the memo.  Thank you.