1 Peter 4:10

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Latest news!

Let me open my heart with you for a moment.
Just a short time ago we seemed to be walking though the valley of the shadow of death.  Pastor Carlos and his two young children recovering from his wife's’ death and Lonnie recovering from a kidney transplant and accompanying physical disabilities.  Not to mention the tremendous emotional repercussions for all involved.
At times it was so hard for everyone in Baja Compassion to continue the work that had to be done, we were not even able to write.  A good friend pointed out how absolutely essential  it was to let you - the people who love and care about us - know how desperately we needed prayer.  We did.  Plus - we KNOW there are those who never STOPED praying and supporting us - even through our silence.  
We write today to tell you GOD HEARD, HE ANSWERED and HE IS GOOD! 
With Virginia’s death (Pastor Carlos’s wife) we lost a huge pillar in the deaf women’s ministry.  Now we have started up a deaf women’s bible study that meets every Tuesday afternoon in a small cafe in Ensenada.  For several months it was just me and Rita, a lady that I would like to see rise up to take a leadership role among the deaf women.  And we continued in faith - and now we have two more that regularly attend.  
Antonia - a deaf lady that never had any scholastic training, does not read or write, and came to know Christ through our first deaf women’s retreat we had  in 2007.  Margarita is in her 50’s and she too has had no prior schooling and - in fact - is still grasping the hang of communication in sign language with a limited but growing vocabulary.  It makes the teaching of this bible study a slow but - oh so - blessed time!
And we do not shy away from the deep truths. :-)
One more HUGE answer to prayer has been Gaby Suarez, with her precious 3mo old little girl, joining us at Baja Compassion!  She is wonderfully qualified to help us in the office and in the ministry.  She knows both Spanish and English, has 3 deaf siblings (Pastor Carlos being one of them!)  so she signs very naturally both ASL and Mexican sign language and knows her way around a computer.  SO PLEASED are we to have her here for the summer.   
At the moment Gaby is seeking supporters for ministry here.  If you feel lead to support Gaby at Baja Compassion Ministries just make a note of it somewhere with the gift, and we’ll make sure that it gets to her.  The same goes for Pastor Carlos.
Ever Thankful for YOU!

OH! I almost forgot - Lonnie is doing SO much better - we are more than overjoyed!  Keep praying for him!