1 Peter 4:10

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.

Monday, November 5, 2012

From Gaby


In the mists of prepairations for the mission trip to Cuba, and wonderously God has surprised me in this adventure! Of the total amount needed for me to go, I’m halfway to the goal! 

I'm super excited to see, as time goes by, my appeal to this trip. Thank you to all who in one way or another (prayers and financial support) have been helping me on this journey. If you have not heard of the vision for this trip, send me your email and I will get you more information. 

Allow me to remind you the trip is January 17-28, so that you can cover us in prayer during our stay and continue to cover us clear through our preparation for departure. 
Something that fills me with great joy is just to see the blessings of our Heavenly Father for the trip and for our lives. He is seen as the Deaf ministry grows, and as people are willing to support us. Jose Michel has in the last couple of years supported the ministry in videography. He records videos of the signed class and songs of praise in LSM. But last month God talked to him about serving the Deaf in full time ministry! So he left his job he had in Tijuana and moved back to Ensenada to follow His call and be obedient to Him. 

This is God’s answer to the prayers of my brother Charles to have an assistant and/or a male interpreter and who better than Jose Michel! He continues to support our video and interpreting needs. Although he does not feel 100% in his signing, that little seed with the desire to serve our God is bearing fruit in his life as in others. We hope patiently to keep seeing more people like  Jose to serve as volunteer in the deaf community and to continue reaching the lost in this area and to be discipled. If you have the desire to be part of this ministry as well, but do not know how to help because you may not know sign language, I encourage you to support our ministry through your prayers and financial support for both Carlos Suarez ( Pastor), Jose Michel (video manager and assistant to Carlos) or me (in charge of Deaf women’s ministry and Bible study).
And because God's mission is to reach all who are lost for them to  have eternal life and discover the wonders of God, Bible studies are necessary for both women and men. The goal is to grow and be able to respond to those human doubts they have. Pray for them to rekindle that fire in them; rekindle a fire to be fill with more of Him and less of the world, to see that the best weapon to overcome obstacles and problems of life is Jesus and not the things that normally the world offers. Pray our church set aside what hinders them and/or bothers so they receive His teachings. By this I mean to put aside the problems between them, and through His love can forgive one another.  That they fix their eyes on Jesus and not on those who have hurt them. 

Carlos and his kids Leilani and Jerimias
It may be that I am the least qualified person to do this, given my past; but because of that, I know the value of time spent in His presence/Word every day, that is why I urge you to support me in prayers.  Lets lift up this group of people who sometimes feel isolated by simply not being able to hear. Pray they wake up to the truth, and they can understand through His Holy Spirit, because He made them so special! May they not say “I'm still young, perhaps later” or “I will be ignored because I am deaf" -

-NO! They also are suitable for our Father’s gifts as any of us! You and I have the gift of encouragement through our prayers. And for those that have been causing dissension? May they be rebuked by His Word and allow that their spiritual eyes be opened to see their mistakes.

For those who learned via Facebook that it had obtained a new job, this is short story.
   The day I inquired about working in the church Daycare they rushed to respond to me. I was concerned that I couldn’t take the job unless my daughter was accepted too.   After a few minutes I heard God said “Ask Me! .. And I ignore it. Hanging up the phone I said “This may be rushing you, Father, but come Monday, when I go to the interview, if you show me that work is for me -have them accept my daughter as well.” I went to the interview and it went very well!. I thought this was a doors God had opened for me and it pleased me very much, and I was very excited. 

My mistake ... ignoring that small voice that said “ask Me!”. God showed me otherwise, that this was not the place he had called me to.  He showed me I basically had the three ministries where I was to focus and care for; my daughter, my brother Carlos’s family and the Deaf ministry ( plus this trip to Cuba). For four days on the job I had no peace and God showed me in different ways that I had to leave. When I decided to quit and walk in obedience .... man! a great peace came over my life and that was a confirmation that I had been wrong about work. I was reminded to not  worry about anything that involving money, for He has been supplying everything for me since I turned to Him, and since I had my daughter in my belly He has given us even more! It is better to walk in obedience than not.... and in  a week ... pum! God surprises me with a tremendous amount of $! 

I never expected it and I had no idea He would do such a thing, then someone reminded me “this is the result, Gaby, of your obedience to follow the voice of Papi”. So friends and family, I encourage you to follow God, hear His call whatever it may be and do not fear because our Papa God gives everything and never forsakes us in ANYTHING (both materially, in the sentimental and spiritual ) Jeremiah 3 33.

Margarita (center) returns to us after a stroke!

Suarez's family: that God will continue to guard and guide in our spiritual battle we face daily. Especially for children who have been attacked in one way or another in their lives with fear, illness and lies.

Also, Pray for Margarita who, since two months ago, we’ve had with us again after a seveir stroke. Pray God continues to heal her.

And the other petitions mentioned above.