It also happens to be a place where the Deaf Pastor and Leaders Conference was being held.
After His wife passed away, leaving him with his two small children, Pastor Carlos seemed to be just keeping his head above water. But in this last year we are seeing him really get his footing. He is finding a maturity as a Pastor that is encouraging to see.
This conference was the first of it’s kind that he was able to attend in his history of being a Pastor.
You know how many other deaf pastors showed up?
None. Zip. Zero.
Just Pastor Carlos and the hosting Deaf Pastor and his church. Be it for fear or for distance - because really - how many deaf Pastors are there in all of Mexico? NOT ENOUGH!
But this translated into an intense meeting between God and Carlos, for a time of refreshment and edification
PRAISE GOD! He needed it!
And he has returned. Safe and sound, and recharged. It was a blessing!
And THANK YOU to all those that helped him afford the opportunity!